Monday, February 24, 2020

Misinterpretation of James Mill Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Misinterpretation of James Mill - Research Paper Example Understanding Mill's advocacy of commerce as a response to the specific conditions of nineteenth-century Britain underscores important aspects of his work that are often overlooked. Mill's assessment of the social benefits of the market is considerably more cautious and skeptical than is often understood in "economic" interpretations of his utilitarianism. He is often mistaken for a theorist who thought that social sentiments were irrelevant to human happiness. Mill negatively assessed social sentiments because in this context the predominant social sentiments were aimed at maintaining deference to ascribed social status. He also believed that if social sentiments were egalitarian, they contributed positively to human happiness. Indeed, what is most often overlooked is that Mill was critical of an excessive preoccupation with interests. He believed that the esteem of others was a critical part of human happiness and that it was undesirable to pursue interests to the exception of cult ivating affective ties. From a contemporary perspective, it is important to understand that Mill's theory in favor of the market had a specific historical reference to the conditions of nineteenth-century Europe. For that reason, his theory does not provide a normative basis for economic liberalization today in any straightforward way. We ought to understand the early history of capitalism as a specific ideological response to the shortcomings of traditional societies-not just in economics but in basic social and political values.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Limited Number of Parking Spaces at School Assignment

Limited Number of Parking Spaces at School - Assignment Example With facilitators and students competing for a space to park, there is a need for changes that will counter this issue (Will 250). Major strategies and steps are needed to ensure proper registration for parking at the start of every school year. Students should be provided with permits for parking, which will allow them the right to a parking space. By doing this, a record is provided that enables the administration to budget for the spaces available. In this light, expansions are required to cater for everyone. With the increase in students’ car ownership, there is a need to adjust the regulations set for parking spaces. For instance, use of adjacent land can be adapted in cases where schools have limited land resources. However, this will require the provision for residential parking. In addition, regulations can be set where there is parking timing and in residential where students are allowed hourly parking. This step will ease congestions and ensure that every individual has an opportunity to park. In other aspects, this problem can be dealt with via the limitation of parking privileges. Restrictions can be given for senior students only. Limiting the number of students driving to school will eventually minimize and discourage others from driving. Therefore, the use of individual vehicles will reduce, and space will be created. Introduction of parking fees will also help minimize congestions in parking spaces. This can be paid per year or semester. By introducing the fees, only individuals willing to pay will have parking spaces. Furthermore, the revenue collected will be used to improve the parking lots. In other instances, the capital can be utilized in expanding and acquiring other land that can be used for parking. Providing free parking for everyone encourages individuals lacking the right documentation to drive. This leads to increased incidences of accidents in the school. Therefore, proper documents should be submitted for every individual w ho will be driving. This will eventually ensure that only students with proper qualifications are allocated space for parking. Hard work should be put in the devising of residential houses to discourage use of cars. This can be achieved by huddling all parking in the exterior of development regions. In essence, this will discourage residents from driving to the interior of the residents. It will also limit the ownership of automobiles and thus ensure that the limited space available caters for the few individuals. Sharing services can also be implemented. Having a car on site for use when individuals require transportation is another step that can help reduce competition for parking. For example, ensuring that a bus is available at all times for the students. Building a parking garage in the schools for the students sees to the utilization of the limited space and creates enough parking spaces for all. This helps to improve the flow of traffic and parking overflow. Garages ensure en ough space is available for everyone as they create room for vehicles. Collaborating with local organizations to create a sharing relationship of facilities is another way of solving parking problems. This step will seemingly help to reduce the rates for parking and ensure that reticent spaces for parking are available. For example, allowing development areas to use the school parking during the weekends and holidays while students utilize their space during school days (Beatley 54). Another way could include adapting